Today Gold Rate in Tirupur

The gold rate today in Tirupur refers to the current price of gold in the city of Tirupur, Tamil Nadu, India. Tirupur is known for its wealthy textile industry and is also a hub for gold jewellery shops. The gold rate in Tirupur can vary depending on a number of factors, including global market trends, the strength of the Indian currency, and local demand of the Gold. People in Tirupur often keep a close eye on the gold rate as it can have a significant impact on their financial investments and purchasing decisions.


Today MCX gold price in rupees per 10 grams.
(10 grams = 1 tola gold)

  • 22 Carat Gold
  • 80,400(10 gram)
  • 24 Carat Gold
  • 87,710(10 gram)

22 Carat & 24 Carat Compare Gold Rate In Tirupur (Today & Yesterday)

Gold Rate 22 Carat Gold Rate 24 Carat
Today80,400  87,710  

Today 24 Carat Gold Price per gram in Tirupur (INR)

GramGold Rate Yesterday 24k Gold Rate Today 24k Daily Price Change
1 Gram Gold Rate8,7498,77122
8 Gram Gold Rate69,99270,168176
10 Gram Gold Rate87,49087,710220
100 Gram Gold Rate8,74,9008,77,1002,200

Today 22 Carat Gold Price per gram in Tirupur (INR)

GramGold Rate Yesterday 22k Gold Rate Today 22k Daily Price Change
1 Gram Gold Rate8,0208,04020
8 Gram Gold Rate64,16064,320160
10 Gram Gold Rate80,20080,400200
100 Gram Gold Rate8,02,0008,04,0002,000

Today Gold Rate of Metro Cities in India

CityGold Rate 22k Gold Rate 24k

Today’s Gold Rate in Tirupur – An Overview

Tiruppur, also known as Tirupur, is a city in Tamil Nadu, India. It is the administrative seat of Tiruppur district, as well as the state’s seventh-largest city and urban agglomeration. The gold rate in Tirupur nowadays is erratic and follows the overall trend of the state of Tamil Nadu. Gold demand in Tirupur has risen dramatically in recent decades. Before purchasing gold, it is common practise to compare the today gold rate Tirupur offered by different stores. Customers benefit from lower gold prices since they can buy more grams of the precious metal. There is a difference between the 18-, 22- and 24-carat gold rate today in Tirupur.

How is the Purity of Gold Determined?

Gold’s weight is measured in troy ounces, but its purity is measured in carats. The purity of gold has an influence on today gold rate in Tirupur. Following are a few methods through which the purity of gold can be determined.

Gold Testing Kits

Gold testing kits on the market can help you evaluate the purity of gold. Scratch the gold off the stone and add the testing solution to it. The solution will react differently depending on the purity level of the gold, and the equipment will consist of a chart that indicates the purity level based on the reaction colour.

Acid Test

Gold is a noble metal that is resistant to corrosion, oxidation, and acid. Rub the gold-coloured item on a jeweller’s black stone to leave a visible mark. To examine the mark, nitric acid and hydrochloric acid are utilised, which destroys the mark of any non-gold commodity.


The term “caratage” refers to the purity of gold alloyed with other metals. 24-carat gold is pure gold and contains no other metals. Lower caratages carry less gold; 18-carat gold includes 75% gold and 25% other metals, usually copper or silver. The 24-carat gold rate today in Tirupur will differ from the 22-carat gold rate today in Tirupur.


Fineness is another way of representing the precious metal content of gold jewellery, and it symbolises purity in parts per thousand. When this is stamped on the jewellery, it is frequently done without a decimal point. 

X-ray Fluorescence

The item to be evaluated is bombarded with X-rays, which excite the atoms in the component, causing them to emit X-rays of varied wavelengths. These wavelengths can be used to determine the presence of gold, silver, copper, or other metals in a sample.

How You Can Make Gold as an Investment in Tirupur

Gold is the most heavily invested in metal. The rising gold rate in Tirupur makes it one of the perfect investment options available. Investors can invest in gold through the following options. Before making an investment, it is important to be aware of the 1-gram gold rate in Tirupur today.

Gold Bullion

Gold bullion is defined as any type of pure or almost pure gold confirmed for weight and purity. This covers any size coin, bar, or other form of gold. A serial number is frequently affixed to gold bars for security reasons. This is possibly the most well-known example of direct gold ownership.

Gold ETFs

Investing in gold-based Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) provides an alternative to purchasing gold bullion directly. These specialised instruments symbolise a certain quantity of gold, such as one-tenth of an ounce. This strategy is simpler and less expensive than directly holding bars or coins, especially for small investors, because the minimum investment is merely the price of one share of the ETF. 

Futures and Options

Futures are agreements to buy or sell a specific amount of gold on a future date. Futures contracts are conventional and represent a certain amount of gold.

Futures options are an alternative to purchasing a futures contract outright. These give the option holder the right to purchase the futures contract at a certain price within a specified time frame. 


When you purchase gold jewellery as a form of investment, you may retain money for a lengthy period of time, often for decades. Gold jewellery takes on the connotation of a heritage mark as it is handed down through future generations and is available from both offline and online merchants in a range of shapes and sizes. 

Sovereign Gold Bonds

Sovereign Gold Bonds are the most secure way to purchase digital gold because the RBI issues them on behalf of the Government of India and have an annual interest rate of 2.50%. The bonds are denominated in grams of gold, with one gram serving as the fundamental unit.

Things to Know Before Buying Gold Jewellery in Tirupur

Gold jewellery can be purchased through a reliable local jewellery store or from an online platform in Tirupur. The following things must be kept in mind when purchasing gold jewellery in Tirupur. 

  • You must only purchase hallmarked gold. The hallmark is a testament to the purity of gold, ensuring the integrity of your investment.
  • You must verify the quality of the metal and the origin of the gold. Only when it is backed by the regulations of the nation and corporate ethics is gold truly pure.
  • When purchasing gold, you should always demand a receipt and pay the applicable tax. You are effectively ensuring the legitimacy of your purchase by paying the tax and receiving a bill. It also ensures the worth of your gold and indirectly benefits the nation’s economy and prosperity.
  • Jewellers charge making fees on their jewellery and coins in addition to the gold price today Tirupur. The production of gold objects is labour-intensive, and the complexity of the design determines these costs. The gold-creating costs are proportional to the designer’s ingenuity and the labour of the craftsmen who work on each piece of jewellery.
  • Jewellers provide a method of buyback that enables you to exchange your old jewellery in order to stay current with fashion. Despite the fact that the worth of gold remains constant, the jeweller will subtract making charges upon accepting the gold. They will compute the worth of gold on the date of the repurchase based on current rates.

Factors Affecting Today Gold Price in Tirupur

Various micro and macroeconomic factors influence the gold rate today Tirupur. The gold rate in Tirupur further influences the silver rates. Some of the factors causing fluctuations in today gold rate in Tirupur 8 gram are given below:


Gold has tremendous value and is employed to hedge inflation due to its virtually constant character in comparison to currency. This is why investors prefer gold over cash. As a result, when inflation is strong, so is the demand for gold, and vice versa. As a result of the increasing demand from clients, the gold price today Tirupur will skyrocket. This remains true for domestic as well as international inflation in India.

Price Movements

India ranks as one of the top importers of gold, and as such, changes in import prices caused by world price movements are mirrored in today gold rate Tirupur. When customers’ trust in the government and markets erodes, they become more interested in purchasing gold, and gold is dubbed the “crisis commodity.”

Gold Reserves

Most significant countries’ central banks keep both currency and gold reserves. When large countries’ central banks begin keeping gold reserves and purchasing more gold, the 1 gram gold rate in Tirupur today rises. This is due to an increase in the cash flow in the market while the quantity of gold decreases.

Currency Valuation

The purchasing power of the Indian rupee affects the 1 gram gold rate in Tirupur today. When the rupee loses in value, the exchange rate rises. Higher exchange rates result in higher gold rate in Tirupur.

Demand and Supply

When the demand for gold grows, so will today gold price Tirupur. This phenomenon might be seen during festivals, wedding seasons, or after an ideal monsoon season that is beneficial to the rural community.

Government reserves have an impact on the country’s gold supply. If the RBI decides to acquire more, the supply in the country will reduce, and if demand remains constant, today gold rate Tirupur will climb.

What is the Difference between KDM and Hallmarked Gold in Tirupur

Hallmarked Gold

The hallmarking process involves the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) stamping a certificate of purity and fineness of gold. The presence of a hallmark on gold indicates that the gold used to make jewellery meets international purity requirements. The Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) is the sole organisation authorised by the Government of India to manage the gold jewellery hallmarking certification scheme. The hallmarking certification programme operates in accordance with the BIS Act. There are numerous assaying and hallmarking centres recognised by the Bureau of Indian Standards where licenced jewellers can have their jewellery hallmarked. All the details are laser etched in hallmarked gold.

KDM Gold

A method known as soldering is used to create delicate and elegant gold jewellery. It is a method of joining two or more metals by melting and inserting a filler metal (solder) into the seam between them. The filler metal used should always have a lower melting point than the gold so that the purity of the gold is preserved when the jewellery is melted. Cadmium is employed as the solder in a 92% gold and an 8% cadmium ratio. This cadmium-soldered gold jewellery was referred to as KDM gold or jewellery. However, the BIS has prohibited the distribution of this gold since it has been found to be detrimental to the health of craftsmen who work with it.

Impact of GST on Gold Rate in Tirupur

Individuals must pay GST when they buy gold jewellery in addition to the gold rate today in Tirupur. As a result, they must also pay GST on making charges. Notably, various GST rates apply to the importation, purchase, and sale of yellow metal. However, if a person sells old gold and uses the earnings to buy new jewellery, they do not have to pay taxes.

Since its implementation in our country, GST has significantly impacted every sector. The implementation of GST has resulted in an increase in the 1 gram gold rate in Tirupur today. This has been true despite the market’s decreasing demand for gold. The gold rate Tirupur has risen with the adoption of GST due to higher taxes levied on gold. Customers were required to pay 1% VAT and 1% service tax under the former tax structure. The amended GST structure, which will be levied at a rate of 3%, has resulted in an increase in the overall gold rate in Tirupur.

How can interest rates affect gold prices in Tirupur?

The gold price and interest rates normally have a negative association. When interest rates rise, it usually signals that the economy is robust and growing, giving investors an incentive to buy stocks, shares, and bonds. This lessens the demand for gold and thus gold rate today in Tirupur.

Lower rates of interest, on the other hand, can indicate economic stagnation, causing investors to flock to assets seen as safe havens, such as gold, to secure their money. This spike in gold demand has historically resulted in its growth in today gold rate Tirupur during periods of low interest.

Latest News Section on Gold Rate in Tirupur

[21 June 2023] – Gold Prices Stabilise After Three Months

Gold has recovered from a three-month low, aided by a drop in the dollar, but gains have been limited by an increase in bond yields following U.S. Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell’s congressional testimony. In his remarks, Governor Powell stated that the fight over inflation “has a long way to go.” He also stated that it makes sense to raise rates gradually while assuring the public that the economy and banking sector is stable.

Today Gold Rate of Other Cities in India

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Why should Tirupur investors buy gold?

Tirupur investors should buy gold as its price rises with time, generating high earnings.

What are the different choices in buying gold in Tirupur?

Different choices for buying gold in Tirupur are bullions, SGBs, gold ETFs, coins, bars etc.

How to track gold rates in Tirupur today?

To track gold rates in Tirupur today, you can visit the Urban Money platform online.

Where to buy Gold in Tirupur?

Gold in Tirupur can be purchased online or offline via local jewellers.

Will I have to pay GST while buying Gold in Tirupur?

Yes, you will have to pay GST while buying gold in Tirupur. To know the current GST rates, follow our guide.

Why should I check the daily Gold rates in Tirupur?

As an investor, it is necessary to check the gold rates in Tirupur to stay updated with the price trend. It also allows you to be aware of any upcoming surges. This will help you save money on a purchase.

Urban Money