Today Gold Rate in Thrissur

Gold rate in Thrissur is closely tied to the city’s culture and tradition. Thrissur is known for its jewellery craftsmanship and plays a key role in Kerala’s gold market. The demand spikes during Onam, Vishu, and wedding seasons, making the city a hub for gold transactions. Gold prices here are affected by international market rates, state taxes, and local demand. Thrissur’s residents invest in gold as a hedge against inflation and for its liquidity.


Today MCX gold price in rupees per 10 grams.
(10 grams = 1 tola gold)

  • 22 Carat Gold
  • 80,400(10 gram)
  • 24 Carat Gold
  • 87,710(10 gram)

22 Carat & 24 Carat Compare Gold Rate In Thrissur (Today & Yesterday)

Gold Rate 22 Carat Gold Rate 24 Carat
Today80,400  87,710  

Today 24 Carat Gold Price per gram in Thrissur (INR)

GramGold Rate Yesterday 24k Gold Rate Today 24k Daily Price Change
1 Gram Gold Rate8,7498,77122
8 Gram Gold Rate69,99270,168176
10 Gram Gold Rate87,49087,710220
100 Gram Gold Rate8,74,9008,77,1002,200

Today 22 Carat Gold Price per gram in Thrissur (INR)

GramGold Rate Yesterday 22k Gold Rate Today 22k Daily Price Change
1 Gram Gold Rate8,0208,04020
8 Gram Gold Rate64,16064,320160
10 Gram Gold Rate80,20080,400200
100 Gram Gold Rate8,02,0008,04,0002,000

Today Gold Rate of Metro Cities in India

CityGold Rate 22k Gold Rate 24k

Today Gold Rate of Other Cities in India

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Why Thrissur investors should buy gold?

Gold is deeply rooted in Thrissur’s traditions and is a reliable investment. It retains value over time, making it a preferred choice during economic uncertainty. Thrissur residents often purchase gold for weddings and as long-term wealth storage.

What are the different choices when buying gold in Thrissur?

Buyers in Thrissur can choose from ornate gold jewellery, coins, bars, and digital gold. The city is famous for handcrafted jewellery and offers hallmark-certified options, ensuring quality and trust in every purchase.

How do you track gold rates in Thrissur today?

To track gold rates in Thrissur, visit reputed jewellers or use platforms like Urban Money, which provides real-time city-specific rates. Financial apps and websites like MCX India and also display accurate prices. News channels and newspapers offer daily updates for convenience.

Where to buy gold in Thrissur?

Gold can be purchased from the city’s famous jewellery showrooms, small trusted stores, or online sellers offering certified gold. Thrissur’s craftsmanship ensures a variety of traditional and modern designs.

How often do gold rates change in Thrissur?

Gold rates change daily due to international price movements and local taxes. The rates vary slightly among jewellers depending on labour charges and specific designs.

Urban Money