Today Gold Rate in Sambalpur

Global market trends, local taxes, and demand influence the gold rate in Sambalpur. The city’s gold price usually aligns with the rates in Odisha but may vary slightly due to transportation costs and local factors. Sambalpur has a strong tradition of purchasing gold jewellery, especially during festivals like Akshaya Tritiya and weddings. Buyers should check daily rates before buying, usually quoted for 22-carat and 24-carat gold.


Today MCX gold price in rupees per 10 grams.
(10 grams = 1 tola gold)

  • 22 Carat Gold
  • 81,950(10 gram)
  • 24 Carat Gold
  • 89,400(10 gram)

22 Carat & 24 Carat Compare Gold Rate In Sambalpur (Today & Yesterday)

Gold Rate 22 Carat Gold Rate 24 Carat
Today81,950  89,400  

Today 24 Carat Gold Price per gram in Sambalpur (INR)

GramGold Rate Yesterday 24k Gold Rate Today 24k Daily Price Change
1 Gram Gold Rate8,9298,94011
8 Gram Gold Rate71,43271,52088
10 Gram Gold Rate89,29089,400110
100 Gram Gold Rate8,92,9008,94,0001,100

Today 22 Carat Gold Price per gram in Sambalpur (INR)

GramGold Rate Yesterday 22k Gold Rate Today 22k Daily Price Change
1 Gram Gold Rate8,1858,19510
8 Gram Gold Rate65,48065,56080
10 Gram Gold Rate81,85081,950100
100 Gram Gold Rate8,18,5008,19,5001,000

Today Gold Rate of Metro Cities in India

CityGold Rate 22k Gold Rate 24k

Today Gold Rate of Other Cities in India

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Why should Sambalpur investors buy gold?

Gold is a secure investment option in Sambalpur. It protects wealth against inflation and market fluctuations. Gold is also culturally significant during weddings and festivals, making it both a valuable asset and a cherished commodity.

What are the different choices when buying gold in Sambalpur?

Buyers in Sambalpur can choose from jewellery, coins, bars, digital gold, and ETFs. Jewellery is often purchased for traditional purposes, while digital gold and ETFs are popular for investments due to their convenience and transparency.

How do you track gold rates in Sambalpur today?

Gold rates in Sambalpur can be tracked through the Urban Money website. These platforms provide real-time updates on 22-carat and 24-carat gold rates, helping buyers make informed decisions.

Where to buy gold in Sambalpur?

Gold can be purchased from trusted jewellers, banks, or online platforms in Sambalpur. Popular local stores and national chains often offer a wide range of products. Always verify gold purity through hallmark certification.

How often do gold rates change in Sambalpur?

Gold rates in Sambalpur fluctuate daily due to changes in international prices, currency rates, and local demand. During peak seasons like festivals and weddings, rates may show temporary variations due to higher demand.

Urban Money