Today Gold Rate in Ooty

Gold rates in Ooty are influenced by the hill station's demand for ornaments and investment. The city's proximity to tourist destinations impacts trade, as visitors often purchase gold jewellery. Seasonal trends, especially during holidays and festivals, can cause price fluctuations. Local taxes and transportation costs also contribute to the gold price structure in Ooty.


Today MCX gold price in rupees per 10 grams.
(10 grams = 1 tola gold)

  • 22 Carat Gold
  • 81,950(10 gram)
  • 24 Carat Gold
  • 89,400(10 gram)

22 Carat & 24 Carat Compare Gold Rate In Ooty (Today & Yesterday)

Gold Rate 22 Carat Gold Rate 24 Carat
Today81,950  89,400  

Today 24 Carat Gold Price per gram in Ooty (INR)

GramGold Rate Yesterday 24k Gold Rate Today 24k Daily Price Change
1 Gram Gold Rate8,9298,94011
8 Gram Gold Rate71,43271,52088
10 Gram Gold Rate89,29089,400110
100 Gram Gold Rate8,92,9008,94,0001,100

Today 22 Carat Gold Price per gram in Ooty (INR)

GramGold Rate Yesterday 22k Gold Rate Today 22k Daily Price Change
1 Gram Gold Rate8,1858,19510
8 Gram Gold Rate65,48065,56080
10 Gram Gold Rate81,85081,950100
100 Gram Gold Rate8,18,5008,19,5001,000

Today Gold Rate of Metro Cities in India

CityGold Rate 22k Gold Rate 24k

Today Gold Rate of Other Cities in India

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Why Ooty investors should buy gold?

Gold is a trusted asset for Ooty investors, offering stability and long-term growth. It is especially valued during cultural festivals and weddings. The city’s residents view gold as a safeguard against inflation and economic uncertainties, making it a wise investment.

What are the different choices when buying gold in Ooty?

In Ooty, you can buy gold as traditional jewellery, coins, and bars. Local jewellers offer unique designs inspired by regional culture. Digital gold is also becoming popular among younger investors for its convenience and lower costs.

How to track gold rates in Ooty today?

Urban Money is an excellent platform to track gold rates in Ooty. It provides real-time updates and detailed price trends. You can also compare rates across different cities and get insights on when to buy. Other reliable sources include jeweller websites and financial apps.

Where to buy gold in Ooty?

Ooty’s main markets house renowned jewellers offering a variety of hallmark-certified gold items. From traditional pieces to modern designs, shops here cater to diverse preferences. Always choose trusted jewellers for authenticity and quality.

How often do gold rates change in Ooty?

Gold rates in Ooty are updated daily and are influenced by international gold prices, local taxes, and demand. During festive seasons and tourist peaks, local fluctuations can also impact the prices.

Urban Money