Loan Settlement: Impact on Your Credit Score in India

.A loan can be a valuable tool to finance your goals, but sometimes, life throws unexpected curveballs, making it difficult to keep up with repayments. In such situations, loan settlement might seem like a tempting solution. However, it's crucial to understand how this decision can impact your credit score in India.

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Thejus KS
Thejus KS
A mechanical engineer turned history buff with a sprinkle of financial brilliance. Thejus’s expertise comes with a unique blend of engineering precision, timelines, and the power of numerals. He knows that numbers are the pulse of our globe. Attention to detail and extensive research are the key elements of his writing.
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Piyush Bothra
Piyush Bothra
Chief Financial Officer, Square Yards
Piyush Bothra is the Chief Financial Officer at Square Yards, bringing over two decades of rich experience in finance and leadership. He is an MBA graduate from the prestigious IIM Lucknow and holds a BE in Information Technology from Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Institute of Technology. He has played pivotal roles in scaling businesses and driving financial strategies. At Square Yards since 2015, Piyush is known for his strategic vision, strong financial knowledge, and valuable financial insights, significantly contributing to the company's growth and success.

What Is Loan Settlement?

Loan settlement occurs when you negotiate with your lender to pay a lump sum amount less than your outstanding loan balance to close the account. While it allows you to clear the debt and potentially avoid further late fees or collections, it comes at a cost, i.e., a negative mark on your credit report.

How Does Loan Settlement Affect Your Credit Score?

In India, loan settlement can be a tempting solution when faced with overwhelming debt. It lets you close the account with a single, negotiated payment, often lower than the outstanding balance. However, this seemingly quick fix comes at a cost—a potential drop in your credit score. Let’s explore how settlement can negatively impact your creditworthiness.

Missed Payments

The most significant damage to your credit score stems from the missed loan payments that led to the settlement. Credit bureaus in India (CIBIL, Experian, Equifax) carefully track your payment history. Each missed payment gets reported, which negatively impacts your credit score. The severity of this impact depends on two factors:

  • The Number of Missed Payments: A few missed payments before settlement might have a less severe effect than prolonged delinquency. The longer you falter on payments, the worse the damage.
  • Recency of Missed Payments: Recent missed payments carry more weight than older ones. Lenders are more concerned about your current financial behaviour and ability to manage debt responsibly.

Unpaid Debt

The settlement signifies your inability to repay the loan in full as per the original agreement. This raises a red flag for lenders, indicating potential creditworthiness issues. It suggests you might struggle to manage future debts responsibly.

Settled vs. Closed

Your credit report will display the settled loan as “settled” instead of “closed.” This distinction matters. A “closed” account reflects full repayment and responsible borrowing behaviour. A “closed” account is a positive mark on your credit report. A “settled” account, however, tells a different story. Lenders generally view settled accounts less favourably, considering them riskier borrowers.

Additional Factors Influencing The Impact

While the information above outlines the core reasons for a credit score decrease after settlement, there are additional factors that can influence the severity:

  • Credit History: A strong credit history with a consistent track record of on-time payments can help mitigate the negative impact of settlement. It demonstrates your past ability to manage debt responsibly. Conversely, a history of missed payments will exacerbate the decrease in score.
  • Settlement Amount: The closer the settlement amount is to the original loan balance, the less negative the impact. A significant write-off by the lender can be viewed more negatively.

Potential Impact On Your Borrowing Power

Loan settlement in India, while offering a solution to immediate debt burdens, can have a ripple effect on your future borrowing power. Here’s how a lower credit score due to settlement can impact your ability to secure loans:

Reduced Loan Eligibility:

A settlement-induced dip in your credit score can make it significantly harder to secure future loans. Lenders in India set minimum credit score requirements for various loan products. With a lower score, you might become ineligible for certain loans you previously qualified for. Additionally, even if you meet the minimum score requirement, lenders might scrutinise your application more closely due to the settlement on your credit report. This could involve requesting additional documentation or explanations for the settlement before loan approval.

Higher Borrowing Costs:

A lower credit score translates to a higher perceived risk for lenders. They might offer loans with significantly higher interest rates to compensate for this risk. This can significantly increase your overall borrowing costs. For instance, a home loan with a 10% interest rate due to a settlement could cost you much more in the long run than the one with a lower interest rate offered to someone with a good credit score. Beyond interest rates, loan terms like repayment tenure, processing fees, and prepayment penalties might also be less favourable. You might have to settle for shorter repayment periods, meaning higher monthly instalments or higher upfront costs associated with loan processing.

The Domino Effect on Your Financial Life:

The impact of loan settlement doesn’t stop at a single loan application. A lower credit score can create a domino effect throughout your financial life. Difficulty securing credit cards with attractive rewards programs or introductory offers can limit your ability to earn cashback or introductory periods with 0% interest on purchases. Landlords or utility companies might require a larger security deposit to mitigate the perceived risk of a lower credit score when renting apartments or utilities. Insurance companies often consider your credit score when determining your insurance premium. A lower credit score might translate to higher insurance costs for your car, home, or health.

Alternatives to Loan Settlement

Loan settlement in India can be a tempting solution when faced with overwhelming debt. However, before taking this step (which can negatively impact your credit score), consider exploring these alternative options with your lender:

Restructuring Your Loan:

This option involves negotiating with your lender to extend the repayment period for your existing loan. By spreading the loan amount over a longer period, you can reduce your monthly instalments, making them more manageable for your current financial situation. This lets you catch up on missed payments and avoid defaulting on the loan.

Negotiating a Lower Interest Rate:

Another possibility is to discuss lowering the interest rate on your loan with your lender. This can significantly decrease your overall repayment burden. A lower interest rate translates to less money paid in interest over the life of the loan, freeing up more funds for your monthly instalments.

Debt Consolidation:

If you have multiple debts accumulating high-interest charges, consider debt consolidation. This involves combining all your outstanding debts into a single loan with a lower interest rate. This simplifies your repayment process by giving you one monthly payment to manage instead of juggling multiple debts. A lower interest rate also reduces your overall borrowing cost, making it easier to pay off your debt.

Rebuilding Your Credit Score After Loan Settlement in India

Loan settlement in India can be a necessary step to manage debt, but it can also take a toll on your credit score. However, rebuilding your credit score is not an impossible feat. Here’s a roadmap to guide you on your journey:

Become a Payment Master:

The most significant factor influencing your credit score after settlement is your payment history going forward. Make on-time payments a priority for all your existing credit obligations, including credit cards, bills, and any remaining loans. This consistent demonstration of responsible credit management will positively impact your credit score over time.

Keep Credit Utilisation Low:

Credit utilisation refers to the percentage of your credit limit you’re currently using. Ideally, you should keep your credit card utilisation below 30%. This demonstrates to lenders that you’re not overextending your credit and can manage your borrowing responsibly. Consider paying off your credit card balance in full each month to maintain a low credit utilisation ratio.

Tackle Outstanding Debts:

Focus on paying off any outstanding debts you have accumulated. These could be medical bills, personal loans, or even unpaid utility dues. Clearing these debts demonstrates your commitment to responsible borrowing and improves your overall credit health. Prioritise paying off debts with high interest rates first, as they can significantly increase your overall debt burden.

Monitor Your Credit Report Regularly:

Your credit report plays a crucial role in determining your credit score. Regularly check your credit report from credit bureaus like CIBIL, Experian, and Equifax for any errors or inaccuracies. If you find any discrepancies, dispute them promptly with the credit bureau to ensure your credit report accurately reflects your financial situation.

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