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The Faridpur IFSC Code is INDB0000660. The Faridpur, branch is located in Gd Flr Main Road Village Faridpur Po Kabri Teh Dist Panipat Haryana Pin 132103 in District.

The current address of the Faridpur branch is Gd Flr Main Road Village Faridpur Po Kabri Teh Dist Panipat Haryana Pin 132103 Faridpur . To perform banking operations with utmost ease, check IFSC, MICR and SWIFT Code. Banking hours of Faridpur branch is from 9:30 AM to 3:30 PM.

Check the details associated with the Faridpur branch, including its IFSC, RTGS, NEFT Codes and contact details here.

Faridpur Branch IFSC Code

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