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Emirates NBD is a UAE based bank with branches spread across several locations in India. The Reserve Bank of India has allocated a unique code to all the Emirates NBD branches which allows the bank to transfer funds online via NEFT, RTGS, and IMPS. This code is known as IFSC code or Indian Financial System Code. The IFSC code is different for all the bank branches of Emirates NBD. Further IFSC code also makes the online financial transactions secure and facilitates the ease in processing.

Emirates NBD IFSC Code Structure

The Emirates NBD IFSC code structure is quite simple. The IFSC code has 11 characters. The first four characters are EBIL which represents the name of the bank. The fifth character is zero for future use, reserved in case the number of branches increases. And the last six characters are 000001 which denotes the code of the branch.

 For example, IFSC EBIL0000001 represents the following:

  • ‘0’: For future reference
  • 000001: Branch Code

The IFSC code EBIL0000001 is the IFSC code of EMIRATES NBD BANK branch in Mumbai, Maharashtra. The address is, Ground Floor, 5th North Avenue, Maker Maxity, BKC, Bandra (East), Mumbai 400051.

How to Find the Emirates NBD IFSC Code?

It is easy to find the Emirates NBD IFSC code using the following ways:

  • You can see the IFSC code on every cheque leaf of your cheque book.
  • You can see all the details related to your account on the front page of your passbook.
  • If you have old bank statements with you, you can see your IFSC code there as well.
  • Another way is to visit the website of the Reserve Bank of India and check your IFSC code.

Note: As an account holder in the Emirates NBD bank, you will be provided with a passbook and cheque book.

The Reserve Bank of India has all the information about the IFSC Codes of all the banks and their branches.


How can I know the branch name of Emirates NBD?

You can contact Emirates NBD at their customer care number: 800.432.1000 or visit the bank's official website. You can also know the branch name by visiting the nearest branch of Emirates NBD.

What are the IMPS charges by the Emirates NBD?

The IMPS charged by Emirates NBD for different amounts is as follows:

  • Up to Rs. 1,00,000: Rs. 5 for every transaction.
  • For Rs. 1,00,001 to Rs. 2,00,000: Rs. 15 for every transaction.

Is the IFSC code the same for all Emirates NBD?

No, the IFSC code for all Emirates NBD branches is different. IFSC codes are unique. You can learn more about your IFSC code by visiting the nearest branch.

How do you find the IFSC code for the Emirates NBD?

You can easily find the IFSC code for Emirates NBD by seeing your cheque book, passbook, bank statement or visiting the Emirates NBD nearest branch.

What is the bank code of Emirates NBD?

The first four characters of the IFSC code constitute the bank code for Emirates NBD. Here the bank code is: ‘EBIL’.

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