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Enter IFSC Code to know Bank details Verify IFSC

The government of Singapore founded the Development Bank of Singapore (DBS) in 1968. It is now one of the largest banks in Asia. It is even the largest bank in terms of assets in South Asia. When DBS was established in India, RBI provided an Indian Financial System Code (IFSC). This code was given to every bank to allow fund transfers from one bank to another. With the help of the IFSC code, DBS provides transactions via RTGS, IMPS, and NEFT to their customers. 

DBS Bank IFSC Code Structure

The DBS bank IFSC code is an 11-digit alphanumeric code. The first four digits are the bank’s name, the fifth character is zero for future purposes, and the last six digits help locate the bank branch. IFSC code structure is designed in such a way that it can identify the source bank as well as the destination bank.

For instance, DBSS0000001 is an IFSC code of the Development Bank of Singapore. Here, DBS stands for the bank’s name, 0 for future purposes and 000001 for locating the branch address. 

How to Find DBS Bank IFSC Code?

Here are different ways for you to find the IFSC code of your bank branch;

You can check this 11 digit alphanumeric code on your cheque leaf or passbook. Both the passbook and chequebook have all information regarding your account details. The IFSC code is usually printed on the lower middle side of every cheque leaf. You can also refer to the bank statement for the same.

While transferring, if you do not have your cheque book or passbook, you can go on DBS’s official website and know your IFSC code.


How can I know the branch name of DBS Bank?

There are several ways to know your DBS bank branch name. You can contact customer care at 1860 210 3456, search for your branch by visiting DBS's official website, or visit any nearest branch.

What are the IMPS charges by DBS Bank?

The IMPS charged by DBS bank for different amounts is as follows:

  • For up to Rs. 10,000 is INR 2.50 and applicable GST.
  • For Rs. 10,000 to Rs. 1 lakh is INR 5 and applicable GST.
  • For Rs. 1 lakh to Rs. 2 lakh, it is INR 15 along with applicable GST rates
  • For Rs. 2 lakh and above, it is INR 25 and applicable GST or no charge.

Is the IFSC code the same for all DBS Banks?

No, the IFSC code for all the DBS Banks is different. You can learn more about your IFSC code by visiting the official website of DBS India.

How do you find the IFSC code for DBS Bank?

You can easily find the IFSC code for DBS Bank by seeing your passbook, cheque book, or bank statement or by visiting DBS's nearest branch or website. For more information, you can connect with DBS customer care at 1860 210 3456.

What is the bank code of DBS Bank?

DBS Bank is an 11-digit code. It starts from DBSS. And the last six digits represent a specific branch code of the institution.

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