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The Reserve Bank of India has allotted three ways to transfer funds online, including NEFT, RTGS and IMPS. The Bank of Baroda has multiple branches, and each of them has a unique IFSC code. The eleven-digit alphanumeric code helps in digital fund transfer. The IFSC code plays an important role in intra and inter-banking transactions in India.

Bank of Baroda IFSC Code Structure

The pattern of the Bank of Baroda IFSC code includes eleven characters. The first four characters represent the bank’s name and are the same in all the IFSC Codes of the bank, the fifth character is zero, and the last six digits are usually numeric characters that represent the bank. 

For example, the IFSC code for the Bank of Baroda Jayanagar Branch is BARB0DBJAYA. ‘BARB’ denotes the bank name and ‘DBJAYA’ represents the branch code.

How to Find the Bank of Baroda IFSC Code?

You can find the Bank of Baroda IFSC code in your cheque book and passbook provided by the respective bank. The IFSC code is also available on the official website of the bank and the RBIs website.


Where can I find the Bank of Baroda IFSC code?

You can find your Bank of Baroda IFSC code on the passbook and cheque book provided by the bank. It can also be found on the RBI’s website.

Is the IFSC code the same for all Bank of Baroda branches?

No, the IFSC Code is a unique 11-digit alphanumeric code that differs from branch to branch.

What are the IMPS charges for the Bank of Baroda?

IMPS means Immediate Payment Service. You can transfer funds 24*7 through IMPS. For transactions up to INR 1000, the charges are INR 1 + GST. For transactions from INR 1000 to INR 25,000, charges levied are INR 1.50 + GST. For transactions above INR 25,000, the fee charged will be INR 5.50 + GST.

What is the bank code of the Bank of Baroda?

The bank code for Bank of Baroda is the first four characters of the IFSC code. In this case, it is ‘BARB.

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